The most important places to visit

Here is a summary of the respons we got on our posting (votes in paranthesis):
National parks and more
  1. Grand Canyon NP (13)
  2. Yellowstone NP (9)
  3. Glacier NP (5)
  4. Yosemite NP (5)
  5. Redwoods NP (5)
  6. Rocky mountains NP (5)
  7. Death Valley NP (3)
  8. Canyonlands NP (3)
  9. Zion NP (3)
  10. Bryce NP (2)
  11. Smoky mountains (2)
  12. Blue Ridge mountains (2)
  13. Grand Tetons NP (2)
  14. Badlands NP, Manatee Springs/FL, Arches NP, Monument Valley, The Navajo reservations, Niagara Falls, San Juan Islands/WA, Adirondack Mts., Baseball Hall of Fame (1)
  1. Colorado, California (4)
  2. Arizona, New Mexico (3)
  3. Canada (3)
  4. Alaska (2)
  5. Utah (2)
  6. Nevada, Kansas, Montana (1)
  1. Washington DC (4)
  2. New York/Manhattan (3)
  3. Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Seattle (2)
  4. Las Vegas, New Orleans, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Chicago (1)